Monday, August 15, 2005

The Lie Behind the Name

So... why Untagged, exactly? Well, if you're here, it's probably because someone in the Omaha theatre community has told you about this site. Probably me. Unless you're visiting this site six months from now, when word of mouth has made it successful beyond my wildest expectations, when everyone visits daily to find out the latest about what's going on in the Omaha theatre community (like I ever really know what's going on). Or maybe you're blog surfing or something. Whatever. You're here. You might as well find out where "here" is.

This is a site where I plan to post news and reviews of shows taking place in and around Omaha, Nebraska. Which, if you know anything about Omaha theatre, makes the title Untagged sound somewhat... ungrateful. It's not really meant that way, but I can easily understand the misperception.

A miniscule amount of information for those of you not involved in Omaha theatre: the Theatre Arts Guild, or TAG, is a non-profit organization that does much to promote and support live theatre in Omaha. There are about 400 members, according to the 2005 membership roster, most of which are actively involved in the theatre community in some way. As they point out on their website, there are "over 35 active production companies" and "over 250 productions mounted each year" on Omaha stages. Obviously, only a fraction of those involved in Omaha theatre are part of TAG. I mean, there is a lot of crossover of personnel between theaters, but it would still be stretching things a bit thin to have only 400 or so people put on 250 shows.

Even within TAG, there is a great range of opinion on the effectiveness and/or appropriateness of their (or our, since I am a TAG member myself) efforts. If anyone else finds their way here, I'll let them express their own opinions. My own opinion is that pretty much everyone in TAG, and especially those on the board, honestly feel they are doing their part to fulfill the mission of TAG, which is (short form): "To raise awareness of and participation in live theatre in the metropolitan Omaha, Nebraska community". The problem is that not everybody agrees on what's the best way to do that. Sometimes they disagree quite vocally. And some of those disagreements lead to denigrating the role of TAG in the theatre community.

That's not what this blog is for. And while there may be some overlap, I don't intend for this site to duplicate what can be found on the TAG site, either. They usually do a great job announcing upcoming shows. If given the information in time, they also do a good job with audition announcements and job opportunities. But, by the very nature of the organization, they can't exactly post what you (or at least I) really want to see: reviews. Biased, opinionated reviews. Reviews that say, "Yes, this show stinks as much as I figured it would," or "Wow! This is the most amazing time I've spent in the theater ever, except for that one time in the light booth with Liz, when it was so hot that we both... er... yeah. Great show."

Some shows fall below the radar of the World Herald and the Reader. Other times you may want to find out if that scathing or raving review actually reflects what the rest of the audience thought. Or you just want to get some instant feedback on preview night. Whatever. While the TAG site is very informative, it really can't be opinionated. That's where we come in. (Okay, just me at the moment, but that doesn't scan as well.)

It may be reasoned and thoughtful analysis, or it may be sheer emotional gut reaction, but hopefully this will be the site you can turn to for reactions. To find out whether that short-run production clear across town on the same nights as your show is running is worth finding a way to catch. Or to get some honest feedback on how you screwed up your own performance that people just won't tell you to face at the post-show party.

So I made this site Untagged mostly to make it clear that it's not a site endorsed by the TAG board, or anyone in the theatre community except me. If all goes well, there will be others posting here about shows I wasn't able to see. And open threads where everyone can post, for shows I couldn't find anyone to officially (as much as anything in a blog is "official") review.

While I've been on and around blogs for a few years now, this is the first one I've created. So there will probably be a bit of a learning curve as to what works and what doesn't. It might be that reviews become only a small part of the mission of this blog. I still don't know yet what's in place around here with regards to who can comment, whether you need to be registered or can post anonymously, or what. And what degree of control I have over those and other aspects of the site. Right now, I'm using a blogspot default template, but I hope to change that soon.

I should probably add something here about who I am. Unfortunately, it's getting pretty late and I have work in the morning. The bio post will have to wait until tomorrow. Okay, technically later today, but you know what I meant.

Anyway, from here I guess we'll find out together what this site is going to be. Let's hope I don't screw it up too badly. Welcome.


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